Summer Camp Registration Opens Monday, March 17!
Policy and conduct

Welcoming Spaces For All

The YMCA is a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to promoting a family-friendly environment. We expect that all our members, guests, and staff will exemplify our core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Members and guests play a crucial role in fulfilling our shared purpose and mission. Our commitment to fostering a community built on these principles ensures that everyone feels valued and respected at the YMCA.

For detailed information, please refer to our Member Handbooks:

Members participate in all activities, programs, and classes at their own risk and are fully responsible for themselves, their children, their guests, and their property.

Code of Conduct

Let’s work together to ensure the YMCA remains a welcoming space for all. Thank you for your commitment to our community.

  • No Smoking or Vaping: Our facilities and programs are smoke-free zones.
  • No Illegal Substances or Alcohol: Use, consumption, or possession is prohibited.
  • Respectful Communication: Avoid angry language, swearing, name-calling, or shouting.
  • Zero Tolerance for Harassment: Intimidating gestures, language, or behavior is prohibited.
  • No Aggressive Physical Contact: Keep interactions positive and non-threatening.
  • Maintain Appropriate Attire: Dress modestly and avoid overly revealing clothing.
  • Respect Others’ Property: It is unacceptable to steal or cause property damage or loss.
  • No Weapons: Carrying or concealing weapons or potentially harmful objects is prohibited.

Safety and Screening

At the YMCA, community safety is our foremost concern. As part of our commitment, everyone entering the facilities must present proper identification. This allows us to conduct regular sex offender screenings for all members, participants, and guests. In the event of a match in our database with the National Registry of Convicted Sex Offenders, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, terminate program participation, and revoke visitation access.

Additionally, the YMCA has the right to deny access or membership to individuals convicted of offenses related to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics or habit-forming and/or dangerous drugs. This includes individuals currently or habitually under the influence of such substances or intoxicating beverages.

Child safety is our top priority

The Sewickley Valley YMCA strictly follows a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse, and as a mandated-reporting organization, the Y will report child abuse allegations as required by Pennsylvania law. The YMCA has a code of conduct that all employees and volunteers are required to follow when working with youth, and handbook for parents and guardians that explains what parents should expect from the Y, and the role we all play in child safety.

The Y maintains an open-door policy for reports of policy violations and provides several options to report violations. Reports can be made by:

Explore resources for child safety and protection through the Department of Human Services’ Keep Kids Safe initiative for Pennsylvania.


Your privacy is important to us. Read our Privacy Policy to learn more about how we handle and safeguard your personal information.


We prioritize the safety and well-being of our youth and teens, encouraging participation in our programs for an enriching experience. Check out the table below for an overview of age-specific permissions and requirements to help ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment.

Program or Activity Ages 7 and under Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 13 Age 14 and up
Can use the YMCA independently Must be under parental/guardian direct supervision unless enrolled in a staff-supervised program or activity. Yes
Cardiovascular equipment Yes* Yes* Yes
Land-based Group Exercise Yes, with parent/ guardian Yes, with parent/ guardian Yes
Water-based group exercise Yes
Lap Swimming Yes
Weight room Yes

*Youths and teens aged 10-13 can use age-appropriate cardiovascular equipment independently, however, safety/proper use orientation is recommended.

Non-Discrimination of Services

Services shall be provided without regard to race, religious creed, color, disability, ancestry, national origin, age or sex. Services shall be made accessible to individuals through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. The Sewickley Valley YMCA will make every effort to accommodate non-English speaking individuals.

Care, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility

At the YMCA, our actions are guided by our core values: Care, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. We value your input and encourage you to share any suggestions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact any of our staff with questions or suggestions. You can also drop your suggestions in the suggestion box located at the Welcome Desk. If you need further assistance or information, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.